7. June 2020

Students from the Jablonec nad Nisou Business Academy conduct their internships in Berlin

15th September until 15th October 2020

As every year, students from the Jablonec nad Nisou Business Academy conduct their internships in Berlin instead of in the Czech Republic.
7. June 2020

Podnikání za hranicemi III – Business Behind Borders III

27th September until 19th December 2020

Young health and nursing graduates from Nový Jičín, Czech Republic, are doing their first long-term internship in Berlin. Thanks to the long stay of three months, they improve their language skills so much that they are then able to work both in the Czech Republic and in Germany.
15. June 2020

Go Europe II – discovering opportunities in the European labor market

July 2016 to June 2018

The project is aimed primarily at apprentices in dual training occupations in the craft trades and in industrial-technical occupations.
15. June 2020

EXACT – Scholarships for VET students in social professions

October 2018 to August 2021

Internships abroad for people in social professions
21. June 2020

Inclusion in day-care center training in Wroclaw, Poland

du 3 au 8 novembre à Berlin

Le système de formation duale en Allemagne. Est-ce que le système dual a un impact sur le faible taux de chômage des jeunes en Allemagne ? Que signifie exactement le système de formation duale ?
25. June 2020

Training in Bolzano, Italy for educators and educational staff

27th September to 2nd October 2020

The aim of the advanced training is to get to know special and high-quality pedagogical approaches and to be able to exchange ideas with colleagues on site
7. July 2020

Play at Leiria – Early Childhood Education in Portugal

18th to 23rd October 2020 in Maribor, Slovenia

The aim of the seminar is to get to know the Portuguese education system in general and specifically in the area of early childhood education and to compare it with the German system. We will visit various training facilities and daycare centers in Leiria and speak to those responsible there. There are certainly approaches that we can use for work in Germany.
4. August 2020

We Share It!

January 2021 until August 2023

Together with our partners from Central and Eastern Europe, we will be holding seminars in the coming years for people who work full-time or on a voluntary basis in youth work.
28. September 2020

Play at Leiria – Early Childhood Education in Portugal

18th to 22rd October 2020 in Valletta, Malta

The aim of the seminar is to get to know the Maltese education system in general and specifically in the area of early childhood education and to compare it with the German system. We will visit various training facilities and daycare centers in Valletta and speak to those responsible there. There are certainly approaches that we can use for work in Germany.