8. November 2017 | 14:00 to 17:30 h | PRO MOVE Kick-off meeting | Berlin


Promotion of longer-term internships abroad in Europe

The European Commission has commissioned the GEB and its European partner organizations to carry out a pilot project. The aim is to increase the number of longer-term, funded stays abroad for trainees directly after completing their vocational training.

We invite you to participate in the project by providing internships for young European professionals in your company for six months or more. The foreign project partners will then look for suitable candidates and provide you with the profiles. On the German side we support you in the selection of suitable persons and in the practical implementation of the internship. We help find accommodation, provide intercultural training for your staff, and support foreign language learning professionals in their daily lives.

The European Commission fully covers the costs of supporting the project by us and our foreign partners. It also covers a large part of the costs for accommodation and meals for the participants during the internship. However, it is not yet clear whether and from when in Germany the minimum wage must be paid.

If you are interested in the project, we would like to invite you to Berlin on November 8th. On this day also representatives of all foreign project partners will be with us so that you have the possibility to get in contact with them directly.

The aim of the European Commission is to provide young professionals with a long-term professional experience abroad immediately after their training. Whether or not it comes after employment is not relevant in this context.

Foreign project partners

Paul Murray (Foyle International, Derry, United Kingdom)

Ritske Jan Merkus (De Plannenmakers, Leeuwarden, Netherlands)

Marisa Bernáldez (training, Sevilla, Spain)

Magnus Hansson (Företagsutveckling, Lund, Sweden)

Lucia Galdo (FORTES, Vicenza, Italy)

Sonja Markic (ZNI, Maribor, Slovenia)

Chiara Marozzo (Semper Avanti, Wroclaw, Poland)



13:30 Registration

14:00 Introduction and presentation of foreign guests (English with translation)

14:30 Introduction to the program Erasmus + (German)

14:45 Presentation of the project PRO MOVE (German)

15:00 “Speed Dating” (4 rounds a 15 min / 6 partner tables) (English)

16:15 Summary of the results (German / English)

16:30 Small buffet with the possibility for individual discussions

18:00 Dinner (ALL our guests are invited) with cultural program


Detailed description in PDF (ger.): 2017_09_29 Beschreibung Pro Move
